Maybe we need a vote here but personally I’d like the next update from Emb to NOT contain any new features at all - just a huge bundle of bug fixes.

Maybe we need a vote here but personally I’d like the next update from Emb to NOT contain any new features at all - just a huge bundle of bug fixes.

We’ve all been waiting patiently for them to fix things yet they decide a new dark theme is more important than quality control. Introducing so many new bugs while still leaving so many unfixed is absolute madness.

I’m still on Berlin and looks like I’m stuck here again despite 2 updates for Tokyo. Android still isn’t working (tab animations are now broken), and a new FMX Windows/OS X project seems unlikely to be possible due to a minimise bug that’s been in FMX since Seattle...

Is there too much pressure from above to cram features I wonder? Maybe their community aren’t abandoning the product fast enough to make the Emb management realise the extent of the problem.
I feel sorry for the poor dev team who I appreciate are probably working really hard. I just wouldn’t run a business like this - nor would I have a business anymore if I tried to!

Please Emb - stop adding and start fixing!!!


  1. If anyone really wants a public Alpha release system to be implemented by EMBT someone needs to write up the idea, how the system would work, why it will be better, and where it will affect EMBT's bottom line. Then get as many people in the community to sign it as possible (not necessary but may help). And then send it to the various top brass at EMBT. Otherwise this is all just smoke.

  2. It is always a bad idea to fire experienced Delphi developers and hire Java juppies from the university who have never seen Delphi.


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