Originally shared by Benjamin “BeRo” Rosseaux

Originally shared by Benjamin “BeRo” Rosseaux

My Delphi update subscription license is expired, so if you do want, that my stuff at https://github.com/BeRo1985 stays compatible with the each latest Delphi version, you can me at https://www.patreon.com/bero or support me in an other more direct way, so that I can resubscribe/buy a new Delphi update subscription license (with Mobile addon) sooner or later for the sadly new price, otherwise I must enforcedly drop the Delphi compatibility in future, because I have no more access to newer Delphi versions then, so that my projects will be enforcedly FreePascal-only in future. And just for as info, I've Delphi 10.2 Release 1 Professional with Mobile Addon in the moment, and I've already no more access to the 10.2 Release 2 update.


  1. In Project >>>Pacc missing PasDbStrUtils.pas PasMp.pas PuCu.pas Sam.inc SasMcore.pas SasMData.pas SasMDataContent.pas

    This is not the way to put a project on the net

  2. shlomo abuisak You should read the README.md at https://github.com/BeRo1985/pacc/blob/master/README.md at the Requirements section for the dependencies. At least, one should always read everything first before making a complaint. :-) And PACC is otherwise still a work-in-progress hobby project.

  3. Hey Benjamin Rosseaux you are doing some cool stuff and I'd love to help you out. Can I just hook you up with licenses as an Embarcadero MVP? We love supporting great developers like you that are supporting the community with cool open source libraries. DM me and we'll chat some more.

  4. Backed you on Patreon too. Good luck!


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