Stefan Glienke ... regarding "Fatal: F2084 Internal Error: C12945"

Stefan Glienke ... regarding "Fatal: F2084 Internal Error: C12945"

This morning, I started getting this compiler error under D10.2 Update 2 (with FixPack/SpeedPack) on a Win32 project.

I noticed your noticed that the error is triggered when both RANGE-CHECKS==ON and OVERFLOW-CHECKS==ON.

My project doesn't have RANGE-CHECKS turned on, due to some old code.

I'm curious if you have any more information regarding this.. as the defect "all of sudden" started getting triggered, for code that compiled great a couple days ago (reset my git repo to the last commit that targeted release code).

It's a little strange, Googling says you are the only other one to run into it and document the bug. :P


  1. Whatever - cherry pick (assuming you are using 1.2) the change I made (mentioned in issue 261) and move on :)

  2. That bug was fixed in 10.2.2. Can you confirm you're still seeing it, Vin Colgin? If so, please dispute the resolution (click the Dispute button) and if the code snippet for which it occurs is different in any way, please add that too.

  3. David Millington 10.2.2 looks like it fixes the issue. Resumed the Overload/Range Checks and I haven't had a compiler issue. CC: Stefan Glienke


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