To analyse the log of an iOS device the official log view function of XCode 9 ( In the menu "Window/Device and Simulator" show the device console by pressing the tiny triangle button at the bottom of the view) is a pain because there is no function to filter out the entries of the target app.
To analyse the log of an iOS device the official log view function of XCode 9 ( In the menu "Window/Device and Simulator" show the device console by pressing the tiny triangle button at the bottom of the view) is a pain because there is no function to filter out the entries of the target app.
Today I found a good tool to overcome this pain:
This tool offers a simple text filter which allows you to enter the app name.
Today I found a good tool to overcome this pain:
This tool offers a simple text filter which allows you to enter the app name.
I've been using iOS Console for a couple of years now; it's a great tool!