Hello, I will have a question from one of my clients. I proposed a study to migrate their Delphi heavy client application to 3-third party applications with a DataSnap server. But my client wonders about the resistance of such an architecture to the load. It is an accounting application and a human resources application. Depending on them, there may be up to 800,000 postings per month (i. e. JSON REST HTTP transactions between clients and the server). Knowing that these entries will be spread over different countries with time differences and therefore at different times, generally about forty customers (thus 800 0000 / 40) over one month, every day. so 700 daily entries * 40 in parallel (not necessarily at the same time, but possibly) I would like to reassure them by explaining that this load is held by DataSnap without any problem (this obviously depends on the configuration of the web server I guess). Is DataSnap limited in number of parallel connections? What about the number of supported requests?

Hello, I will have a question from one of my clients. I proposed a study to migrate their Delphi heavy client application to 3-third party applications with a DataSnap server. But my client wonders about the resistance of such an architecture to the load. It is an accounting application and a human resources application. Depending on them, there may be up to 800,000 postings per month (i. e. JSON REST HTTP transactions between clients and the server). Knowing that these entries will be spread over different countries with time differences and therefore at different times, generally about forty customers (thus 800 0000 / 40) over one month, every day. so 700 daily entries * 40 in parallel (not necessarily at the same time, but possibly) I would like to reassure them by explaining that this load is held by DataSnap without any problem (this obviously depends on the configuration of the web server I guess). Is DataSnap limited in number of parallel connections? What about the number of supported requests?

Thank you for your help



  1. Fabrice Deprez Open Source and FPC compatibility is a game changer, in the long term - but this is my 2 cents, and your project, for sure!


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