What are the size restrictions for the VCL controls like TPanel and TPaintBox.? Are they documented anywhere? I'm talking about placing these on a TScrollBox, so the screen size is not a limit. The maximum width of a TPanel on my computer seems to be 2^15 pixels, but I couldn't find any documentation on it, so it might even depend on the Windows version or the graphics driver.


  1. TPanel is a TWinControl, I guess that the size restrictions are binded to Windows (and it's version).
    TPaintBox is a TGraphicControl, it's size could be larger then a TWinControl but can only be displayed inside a TWinControl.

  2. That's the limit I've known that I discovered about 10 years ago. The Windows (and so VCL) window size limit has been that universally all the time, AFAIK.

  3. Some Windows messages use the LPARAM to carry width and height, which allows only 16 bit for each.

  4. I agree with Uwe Raabe - (16 bits - 1) is safest.


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