A good QA tool for Delphi 64 (and Linux maybe)?

A good QA tool for Delphi 64 (and Linux maybe)?
In my opinion embarcadero should buy Sleuth CodeWatch from NexusDB, a great piece of software of Per Larsen, and port it to ARC compilers too.
What's in your opinion to include a default QA tool within Delphi?


  1. "In my opinion embarcadero should buy Sleuth CodeWatch from NexusDB, a great piece of software of Per Larsen, and port it to ARC compilers too."

    Oh please. They cannot even keep up with fixing all issues and implementing the things they have on their list.

  2. Android Studio has a great QA tool, very similar to SleuthQA...
    Can be really a nice added value, and SleuthQA is exceptional


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