Are there any tools available to convert Uses unit names from older (D7 era) single names to the newer ones needed for more recent names needed since FMX was introduced (Tokyo, specifically)?


  1. There is a refind utility, used to make changes to Firedac

    But if you specify the UNITS you want to change it does that too

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\Samples\Object Pascal\Database\FireDAC\Tool


    #unuse Data.SqlExpr
    #unuse Data.DBXCommon
    #unuse Data.DBConnAdmin
    #unuse Data.DBXDynalink
    #unuse SqlExpr
    #unuse DBXCommon
    #unuse DBConnAdmin
    #unuse DBXDynalink

    #remove Origin

    // Driver units -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #migrate Data.DbxDb2 -> FireDAC.Phys.DB2
    #migrate Data.DbxFirebird -> FireDAC.Phys.FB
    #migrate Data.DbxInformix -> FireDAC.Phys.Infx
    #migrate Data.DbxInterbase -> FireDAC.Phys.IB
    #migrate Data.DbxMSSQL -> FireDAC.Phys.MSSQL
    #migrate Data.DbxMySql -> FireDAC.Phys.MySQL
    #migrate Data.DbxOdbc -> FireDAC.Phys.ODBC
    #migrate Data.DbxOracle -> FireDAC.Phys.Oracle
    #migrate Data.DbxSqlite -> FireDAC.Phys.SQLite
    #migrate Data.DbxSybaseASA -> FireDAC.Phys.ASA
    #migrate Data.DbxSybaseASE -> FireDAC.Phys.ODBC

  2. David Schwartz C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\Samples\Object Pascal\Database\FireDAC\Tool

    In this path for Delphi Seattle, for another version check 17.0, 18.0, 19.0 ...

    To use it create an .ini file as in the migration examples and replace the currently used UNITS you need and if you need to change some other property of objects follow the examples

    Check the examples so you can explore all the features and use them in the best way.

    Good job.


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