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  1. Marco Cantù Must you call every criticism of Delphi "FUD"? When you work for an organization that claimed it had 3 million developers and that it never tried to change the Delphi Pro EULA to forbid database development among other whoppers, I'd be very careful about accusing others of misrepresentation.

  2. David Heffernan They're not going to change the website; they're going to wait until 64bit support arrives.

    Some time back Larry Hengen featured some Embarcadero job ads on his blog. I noted that the EMBT job page listed some of their products as "CodeGear RAD Studio" and "JBuilder" and joked that they needed to add a web developer to their job openings. Tim Del Chiaro showed up and wrote "Thanks to Joseph for pointing out the old list of products on the web page. Updated version will be live on the site in the morning." Just for kicks I checked the next day and sure enough, the company description was updated. Tim and I didn't always see eye to eye on things, but I always respected him for how he handled that.

    Now we're two weeks in and no one's changed the Delphi page yet, even though this is a much more important issue.

    "Why don't you do the right thing?"

    I don't know what happened the second time, but remember Nick Hodges got fired the first time for sticking up for the customers.

  3. Marco Cantù It's disappointing that the website hasn't been changed yet.


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