This has nothing whatever to do with Delphi, but I think it's pretty cool. It reminds me of back in the 90's when there were linkers that let you split DOS apps up into different overlays so your programs would take up far less RAM.

This has nothing whatever to do with Delphi, but I think it's pretty cool. It reminds me of back in the 90's when there were linkers that let you split DOS apps up into different overlays so your programs would take up far less RAM.

I'm betting it's only a matter of time before we see js-enabled web app development supported directly in Delphi, and stuff like this might be helpful again (for a while).


  1. Mohammed Nasman This has nothing whatsoever to do with Delphi. Or even TMS.

  2. Sorry, I thought you mean that by saying:

    "I'm betting it's only a matter of time before we see js-enabled web app development supported directly in Delphi"

  3. So ... do you have any thoughs or comments on the ARTICLE, which is what the post WAS ABOUT? And that, as I have said repeatedly, has nothing to do with Delphi at all...

    Or maybe you have some thoughts on linkers and their use for optimizing memory layouts?


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