David Millington Why would I? First I've been waiting since March 14 for a serial number - a simple task which takes less than five minutes from the moment I enter my card details for any other product I order. Now I finally get the serial, and - surprise! - I have to contact support for something which should have been automatic... Sorry, I'm not going to bother support with my pathetic problems, it looks like the process is too complicated for Idera or whoever manages Delphi now to make even the installation of their flagship product painless.
Alexander Elagin I already have the mobile pack licence from 10.1, so can't help there sorry!
ReplyDeleteAlexander Elagin Try contacting support. You should have been emailed something.
ReplyDeleteDavid Millington Why would I? First I've been waiting since March 14 for a serial number - a simple task which takes less than five minutes from the moment I enter my card details for any other product I order. Now I finally get the serial, and - surprise! - I have to contact support for something which should have been automatic... Sorry, I'm not going to bother support with my pathetic problems, it looks like the process is too complicated for Idera or whoever manages Delphi now to make even the installation of their flagship product painless.