

Has anyone stumbled upon any good article with best practices for structuring the Firemonkey Mobile application? Google is dead silent about that matter, but I hope there are some real world production ready applications written with Delphi FMX..
I am particularly interested in the following topics:
- What building blocks for views to choose for each screen (frames vs forms)?
- How to implement navigation between screens?
- Design components in design time or perform it in runtime?


  1. Use TTabControl and TFrames. There is an Action for Tab transitions or http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Tokyo/en/FMX.TabControl.TTabControl.SetActiveTabWithTransition . I usually do Design Time but sometimes you have to do it at Runtime for performance reasons or if you want to do it dynamically. I compiled
    a 280,000 line FMX app for iOS just today (though I think that includes some RTL). community.embarcadero.com - Deep Dive: Hospitality Survey App Template For RAD Studio 10.2.1 Tokyo - Embarcadero Community

  2. Eli M that's more or less what TFramestand does but with a little more flexibility in order to set transitions and introducing elements of visual continuity...

  3. Andrea Magni I'm not crazy about TFrameStand because I like the design time nature of using TTabControl.


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