I am trying to install Delphi Starter Edition. There is no problem during installation process but I get AV when starting the IDE. What am I doing wrong?


  1. Who knows? Perhaps the error message is important. Only you can see it. In any case this is not really something where community can help. Submit a support incident.

  2. David Heffernan There are many errors like:
    "Exception EPackageRegistratioException in module coreide250.bpl at 0003D46B. Registration procedure, MSTemplate.IDERegister in package [...] codetemplates250.bpl raised exception class Exceptio: Application is not licensed to use this feature". Problem is that I try to install Delphi with default settings :/

  3. Piotr Antoniak Submit a support incident. Not sure what you are trying to achieve here. We can't fix it.

  4. I have been recommending EMBA for decades to finally use a professional installer. The MS-based installers do not work properly and can not correct the smallest errors. We have used Innosetup for more than 20 years and have never had any problems.

  5. Ralf Stocker What makes you think that the problem is with the choice of tool used to build the install program?

  6. Piotr Antoniak that's not an access violation.

  7. Thomas Mueller That is right. But after some exceptions (8 of them) I have also got 2 AVs ("Access violation at address: xxxx in module 'rtl250.bpl'", "Access violation [...] in module 'coreide250.bpl'" ;) Then some other errors like "Can't load package [...]\DataExplorerDBXPlugin250.bpl'", "Can't load package [...]\DataExplorerDBXPluginInt250.bpl'"...

  8. Piotr Antoniak Did you raise a support incident yet?

  9. Heffernan is right. Create a support ticket and they will get back to you. Posting anything pertaining to the starter edition on this web site is the wrong approach.

  10. David Heffernan Not yet, but I will.

  11. "DataExplorerDBXPluginInt250.bpl" is included in starter edition?

  12. Seems to me that you are trying to use a PRO feature with a hobbyist tool.

  13. Hichem BOUKSANI To be honest, I do not know. I just wanted to install Delphi Tokyo Starter Edition with default settings but I received tons of exceptions, avs and other errors instead.

  14. Hichem BOUKSANI No, it isn't, neither codetemplates250.bpl.

  15. Heinz Toskano Maybe... but I did not choose those features. As I mentioned before, I just wanted to install Delphi Starter Edition with default settings :/

  16. Alessandro Fragnani Is there a list of all the functionalities offered by Delphi Starter Edition? I tried to find it by myself, but I have failed :/

  17. Piotr Antoniak If you already have Pro/Ent installed, you must uninstall it. Even if you choose different folders for each install, the registry keys are the same, which means you can't have both versions installed.

  18. Alessandro Fragnani Yes, I have Delphi Berlin Pro installed :/ So, that must be the original reason for all of those errors :/ Thank you :)

  19. That's a SERIOUS bug, must create a QA issue. Each flavor of the same version must have a separate config.

  20. Why is the installer not warning? Again, change the installer EMBA!

    Furthermore, an installer needs an option that reverses any registry changes. And without errors! Innosetup can do that since years!


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