I saw this article on the most recent ACM A.M. Turing Award and noticed this at the bottom of the first paragraph:

I saw this article on the most recent ACM A.M. Turing Award and noticed this at the bottom of the first paragraph:

"Today, 99% of the more than 16 billion microprocessors produced annually are RISC processors, and are found in nearly all smartphones, tablets, and the billions of embedded devices that comprise the Internet of Things (IoT)."

There was a thread recently that I wasn't able to locate where the topic of support for RPi devices came up. Something about how RPi's aren't Intel CPUs. Well, neither are iPhones or Android phones.

It's nice that Delphi finally targets Linux platforms, although its support is hardly generic and not too useful for IoT-scale devices. (Do I need to mention that most RPi devices sold today have a footprint that's on par with what most Linux servers offered 15 years ago? I had a small mini-ITX based server box that had a 600MHz x86 clone CPU with 256MB of RAM and a 20GB HDD, and I used it for nearly 8 years. It was plugged into a rack at a co-lo facility, and was hard to distinguish its performance from most other servers on the internet at the time. It sat next to a bank of original Mac Mini's that may still be in use for all I know.)

I'm curious what sorts of plans are being made to allow Delphi to be used to address the 99%+ of the market that's currently inaccessible to us today?




  1. A 64-bit compiler for Linux on ARM would open a lot of possibilities for doing real IoT development with Delphi.


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