Seems I have bad luck installing Delphi updates. I just installed 10.2.3 from the downloaded ISO and it broke my installation. When I now double click on bin\bds.exe I get the Windows error

Seems I have bad luck installing Delphi updates. I just installed 10.2.3 from the downloaded ISO and it broke my installation. When I now double click on bin\bds.exe I get the Windows error
"This App can't run on your PC
To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher."
The file has a size of 0 bytes. WTF?


  1. Did you try to uninstall it and reinstall it again?

  2. Another possibility might be that the ISO is corrupted. I downloaded it yesterday and might have turned off my computer too early. I'll verify the checksum if the reinstall also fails.

  3. Coworker had same issue, needed to install twice (or do one uninstall - install cycle)


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