Does anyone know where Delphi registers the data in the SDK Manager window?

Does anyone know where Delphi registers the data in the SDK Manager window?

I've just upgraded XCode to support 11.3 and need to import the new SDKs into Delphi, but I have a number of extra frameworks and re-adding them individually is painful - especially as I need to do them for iPhone 64, 32 and Simulator.

I'm happy manually edit whatever file or registry entry Delphi stores this into so I can do a quicker Copy/Paste but can't find where this is stored..

Does anyone know of a quicker way, or maybe where the saved data is?


  1. I seem to recall you can export the SDK details from the IDE, edit the export file with notepad and then import them back in. Better than editing the registry as I seem to recall that there is also a count entry that you would need to update.

  2. For those who want to know the answer to my question...

    A big thanks to David Nottage for help in finding out a fast way to add the extra libraries into the SDK Manager when importing a new SDK for iOS. This has saved me a lot of time, so hopefully will be helpful to others too.

    In the \bin folder of the RAD Studio installation are a set of files with .defaultsdkpaths extensions. These are the template files used by the SDK Manager to determine which libraries to import by default.

    It's a simple XML file so just add entries for the extra libraries you need to import following the format in the file. Once you've done this, when you go into the SDK Manager and import a new SDK version it will automatically include the extra files!

    However, be careful about which file you edit. You will see multiple .defaultsdkpaths files for each platform. It seems that the SDK Manager uses the highest version number one, so if you're importing iOS 11, you need to update the "iPhoneOS 10.0.defaultsdkpaths" file.

    This works for 10.1 Berlin and 10.2 Tokyo.

  3. Thanks, Chris! I wish I knew about those files earlier. Discovered them when the iOS 11 SDK patches came out for Delphi Tokyo 10.2.3 :-)


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