Has anyone had experience in getting banner ads working with AdMob within a delphi app?

Has anyone had experience in getting banner ads working with AdMob within a delphi app?

I’ve tried with both iOS and Android but get an “ad inventory not available” on iOS, did a bit of googling and it seems like this may be trying to use the deprecate iAd platform? Not 100% sure.

I’m looking at the jvesoft components but I’m not filled with confidence when their website says it “should” work on iOS and Android... need something a bit more definite than “should” to part with my money.

Has anyone got this working successfully? If so, can you share which components/methods you used to do this?

Thank you!


  1. The Firemonkey TAdBanner component is hugely out of date so only supports the old iAd network on iOS which was retired years ago. It works for Android against AdMob but useless on iOS. To get AdMob working on iOS and Android I highly recommend the JVE component. It definitely does work for both platforms as I’ve been doing so for 2 years without a problem. The author is great at responding to questions too and it’s so easy to implement.

  2. Thanks Chris, purchased and installed this. All working fine with loading AdMob on iOS.

    One thing I’ve noticed though is about 5 seconds after displaying, the lists in my application suffer a performance hit when scrolling. They become less smooth scrolling.

    Have you had any experience with this? It doesn’t happen if I don’t load the ads.

    I’m using 10.2.2

  3. Hi Graham Murt, I haven't experienced any performance issue with it but I'm using Berlin 10.1 still so may be related to 10.2 or the way you've added your list.
    Can you reproduce this in a simplified app (maybe just a list control and the banner)?
    The 5 second delay may be because it doesn't load the ad immediately, so they may be related. The banner also backs onto the native AdMob banner component for the platform so may be something worth Googling wider than Delphi to see if it's a known issue with listview and adMob banners. In any case, I suggest contacting their support email and asking about this.


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