NexusDB takes the next step in support - announcing Telegram Peer-to-Peer Chat group
NexusDB takes the next step in support - announcing Telegram Peer-to-Peer Chat group
Telegram is a popular chat application with strong security. It supports many platforms, including mobile and web browsers. If you don't already have it, get it from the attached link.
Once you have Telegram running, search for this group name to join:
NexusDB Peer To Peer Chat
Please note that the main purpose of the chat is to get fast peer support or discuss difficult cases. NexusDB staff are often active in the chat, but are not guaranteed to be present at all times. Please also note that just because it is normal business hours at your place, it is very likely that other logged on people are in a different part of the world. Also keep in mind that an immediate response may not be possible, so please be patient.
The chat is public, and participants are expected to follow normal etiquette.
Telegram is a popular chat application with strong security. It supports many platforms, including mobile and web browsers. If you don't already have it, get it from the attached link.
Once you have Telegram running, search for this group name to join:
NexusDB Peer To Peer Chat
Please note that the main purpose of the chat is to get fast peer support or discuss difficult cases. NexusDB staff are often active in the chat, but are not guaranteed to be present at all times. Please also note that just because it is normal business hours at your place, it is very likely that other logged on people are in a different part of the world. Also keep in mind that an immediate response may not be possible, so please be patient.
The chat is public, and participants are expected to follow normal etiquette.
Actually, you'll also need an invite link - and here it is:
Attila Kovacs There is a FAQ right there on the telegram site?