Originally shared by Jeroen Wiert Pluimers

Originally shared by Jeroen Wiert Pluimers

I've updated https://bitbucket.org/jeroenp/wiert.me/src/tip/Native/Delphi/Scripts/List-Delphi-Installed-Packages.ps1 with:

- Support 10.2 Tokyo
- fix difference in CompanyName versus Registry-CompanyName
- fix architecture for Delphi 8
- add DelphiVersion
- ProjectVersion 18.1 is also used by Delphi 10 Seattle
- add ReleaseDate
- add BetaName

The updated markdown table is at these places:

- https://gist.github.com/jpluimers/b5891600b73642788b492393710c6070
- https://wiert.me/2016/09/06/delphi-version-info-table-need-help-with-these-projectversion-for-c-builder-delphi-2005-and-2006-dllsuffix-for-c-builder-appbuilder-1-13-codename/

anyone having the AppBuilder 1.13 codename?



  1. Jean-Marc Kiener how did you end up at the English page? I can't seem to find the link to it.

  2. Steffen Nyeland that was one of the Delphi 1 codenames.

  3. Jeroen Wiert Pluimers wiert.me. In the text is a link named "Adest Musica" who points to not existing site.

  4. Jean-Marc Kiener I think I fixed those. Can you re-check and let me know URLs for any failing pages you find (just in case the WordPress search is not exhaustive)? I fixed some links to http://adestmusica.nl/index_uk1024.html as well.

    Searches used (the latter only returns posts, not pages):
    - https://wiert.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page&s=index_uk
    - http://wiert.wordpress.com/wp-admin/edit.php?s=index_uk
    wordpress.com - WordPress.com


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