Is there an existing component available which works as the folder edit in BeyondCompare, where you enter the beginning of the path and it presents the next level folders in a drop-down?
TjvFilenameedit / TjvDirectoryedit from the JVCL have been doing that for years. Also, in my dzlib there is a helper function that adds this functionality to any TEdit.
TjvFilenameedit / TjvDirectoryedit from the JVCL have been doing that for years. Also, in my dzlib there is a helper function that adds this functionality to any TEdit.
It does not filter for directories though. Any file name will be in the drop down. - Auto append/complete from text file to an edit box delphi
ReplyDeleteSetting Ken's component to ACSource =acsShell works the same way as my helper function and may be more flexible.