Can anyone recommend a reasonably straightforward to use audio library? The basic requirement is to record, play back and visualise a sound recording, with the ability to mark set points in the audio. The ability to save sections of the audio would also be nice, as would the ability to select the recording and playback device. I will primarily be working with WAV, FLAC and OGG files.
Can anyone recommend a reasonably straightforward to use audio library? The basic requirement is to record, play back and visualise a sound recording, with the ability to mark set points in the audio. The ability to save sections of the audio would also be nice, as would the ability to select the recording and playback device. I will primarily be working with WAV, FLAC and OGG files.
I have done quite a bit of searching and not had a great deal of success so far. The libraries that I found seem to be either rather dated or quite feature-rich but expensive for the project that I have in mind.
I have done quite a bit of searching and not had a great deal of success so far. The libraries that I found seem to be either rather dated or quite feature-rich but expensive for the project that I have in mind.
ReplyDeleteGiven the wide functionality you need, I can only think of one library that could cover this at all: the BASS audio library from un4seen. It has good Delphi wrappers, but is not straightforward to use (because there is so much functionality). - Un4seen Developments - 2MIDI / BASS / MID2XM / MO3 / XM-EXE / XMPlay
ReplyDeleteAudioLab by Mitov Software is what we use. We've used a lot of his components over the years (video, audio, vision...) and have found them to be the fastest and most powerful around. We've built some very successful products around their tools.
ReplyDeleteSupport is fast and excellent. Refer to the sample code that is installed with the tools for usage details because documentation is lacking. - Mitov Software - AudioLab
Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Does BASS support visualisation of the audio in any way, or would this be via a plug-in? I am not sure whether or not the licensing cost is out of range as my use does not quite fit into the shareware or non-commercial category, so it may be that the commercial license is a little too high. Thank you for taking the time to suggest this.
ReplyDeleteTom Field: Thanks for the suggestion. The license cost is a little on the high side, but it does look as though it supports what I am looking for.
I should have been a little clearer, but I was really looking for something in the £200-250 price range.
Martyn Spencer it is an audio library with lots of hooks, not a visualisation one (;
ReplyDeleteThough the .NET wrapper can do visualisations, I'm not sure about the Delphi one. However, the hooks should allow you do do a lot of visual effects yourself: that's how in WPF I did audio tracking. - Un4seen.Bass.Misc Namespace
Did you try OpenAL or PascalAudio? (openal has a delphi header, pascalaudio is a lazarus library). Both are for playback AFAIK and have source code available.
ReplyDeleteJeroen Wiert Pluimers Thanks for the confirmation. Heinz Toskano I will take a look at OpenAL and PascalAudio as well, thanks.
ReplyDeleteMartyn Spencer May I recommend looking into Cubase Pro v9 by Steinberg, (offers a less functional free version too)... it’s got all you are requesting and a plethora of pro tool plugins (if/as needed).
Just one GUI of several dozen ifaces & plugins. Check out their to see if it works for your implement (above).
th3 r3v Thanks for the suggestion, but I am looking specifically for a component that can be used and it really is to cover the basics that I listed.
ReplyDeletelook this - CHERTS/newac but without visualisation support
ReplyDeleteVery nice dig Jacek Laskowski . I may make use of that as well at some point. Cheers !!
ReplyDeletePS Mitov's library also includes an oscilloscope visual component, inc case that's something you need.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jacek Laskowski for NewAC link, I was looking for it for a very long time!
ReplyDeletenot a component perse, but source code is available and you can use that as a starting point. - Oscilloscope
Thanks for the suggestions all.
ReplyDeleteMitov's library
ReplyDeleteUsa las librerÃas de VLc