GDPR and the EU and statistics of users of your software:

GDPR and the EU and statistics of users of your software:
it seems that just having analytical information about who downloads and users your software, if that person is in the EU, then that data about that person comes under the GDPR, and so must be protected
this might then affect the components that gather user data in software (what part of the software the user clicked on etc), yes?


  1. For freeware, you need opt-in consent. For payware, you have a contract, no explicit consent required, and no GDPR. Contract laws take over, and usually require you to keep (a lot of) data anyway.

  2. @ Eric, that is good to know,as my software is not freeware (or donationware)

  3. Brian Hamilton you still need to have it mentioned in your contract though, but depending on country you then have a legal requirement to keep contractual data (for ten years in France), if only to be able to answer legal and fiscal inquiries, both of which supersede right to be forgotten.

    Coincidentally, this also means that all the GAFA will find ways to entice users with cheap, contractual stuff, if they have not already (Amazon has Prime, Google has cheap Drive storage, etc.), as once they get you to pay for a service, many of GDPR recitals are superseded by contractual laws, or requirements to keep proof of potential copyright infringements, or etc. the list goes on and on.


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