help SOAP gurus!

help SOAP gurus!

I'm trying to consume with D10.2.3 a SOAP web service that has an object defined like this:



The wsdl importer converts the "xsd:anySimpleType" in variant:

const_ = class(TRemotable)
Ftype_: columnType;
Fvalue: Variant;
property type_: columnType Index (IS_ATTR) read Ftype_ write Ftype_;
property value: Variant Index (IS_ATTR) read Fvalue write Fvalue;

The problem is that when I try to use this remotable the Delphi converter called in TRemotable.ObjectToSOAP transforms the "value" property in a xml node and not in a xml attribute so the function fails:


but I aspect something like that:

For now I need to pass only strings to the service so I substitute the variant declaration with string declaration and in this way all works fine.

Anyone knows if there is a better solution to keep the variant nature of the data?


  1. Alan Victor Bariani, do you know anything about this problem?

  2. From a quick look, `function IsAttributeProperty` in Soap.OPToSOAPDomConv explicitly disallows tkVariant properties to be considered Attributes...


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