I would like to write an app that reads the information of an incoming call on iOS as well as Android. Can anyone please give me some pointers and perhaps links of useful information as to how to go about writing such an app please.

I would like to write an app that reads the information of an incoming call on iOS as well as Android. Can anyone please give me some pointers and perhaps links of useful information as to how to go about writing such an app please.
I have no idea even where to start.


  1. May i suggest. Go to f-droid.org - F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
    And search for call. Lots of projects.
    See how they do it . Yes it is Google ,Java, Android Studio.
    But still it can be helpful

  2. Search for android call information a lot of info

  3. For iOS, you can do it only for devices with iOS 10 and above, and only by using a Call Directory app extension (which is not possible with Delphi): stackoverflow.com - Get the callers phone number from an incoming call on iPhone and https://developer.apple.com/documentation/callkit?language=objc.


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