I wrote a dll with MS Visual Studio 2012 and, from my Delphi application (written with Tokyo 10.2.2) I link it dynamically by LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.

I wrote a dll with MS Visual Studio 2012 and, from my Delphi application (written with Tokyo 10.2.2) I link it dynamically by LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress.
The dll is a "wrapper/bridge" from a closed source .lib and my Delphi app.

When application start-up call some exported function inside the .dll and sometimes I get the EInvalidOp exception.
"Sometimes" means... 1 every 10 runs, but also 1 every 800 runs.
To test it I wrote another program that run and close my Delphi app continuasly.

By Madexcept I saw where the code that raise exception and I tried to catch by try..except statement in Delphi and also try..catch on dll side but without effect, I get always the same exception.

I read on EMB docs that "EInvalidOp is raised when the CPU encounters an undefined instruction, invalid operation, or floating-point stack overflow."
...and I also read that the cause (may be) a different FPU?

That's could be the right way?
(I have not tried this yet)
Set8087CW($133f); // Disable all fpu exceptions

Thanks to everybody.


  1. Thomas Mueller I wrote a very simple Delphi demo to reproduce and isolate the problem, and the dll give me back an only integer.
    Yes, all stdcall.

    Lars Fosdal why CoInitialize? My dll isn't a COM object.

    Below, the my dll C code that I call from my Delphi demo.

    Here some info:

  2. IT SEEMS TRUE, I found another Delphi example release by MvTec (a German company that builds "machine vision" software) which release a C, C++ and C# library.

    // The HALCON library has been generated with VisualC which
    // expects overflow and underflow exceptions to be disabled.
    // Set the FPU control register accordingly.

    Tomorrow I'll add this instructions on my demo and ... run again a lot of times.
    I need to investigate what is the right number to pass at Set8087CW function.

    Any other comments / suggestions will be appreciated.
    Anyway, thanks a lot for your fast and kind replies!


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