Rad Studio - issue statistics and IDE Yesterday was the first time in years that I logged into EMBT's bug tracker.
Rad Studio - issue statistics and IDE Yesterday was the first time in years that I logged into EMBT's bug tracker. When I looked at the RAD Studio dashboard, two things jumped out immediatly - and I'm glad to see I'm not alone. The IDE is in serious need of attension - after all, that is where developers are spending ALL their time.
In the "feature request" statistics the IDE is on the top of the list - by a huge margin.
In the "bugs" statistics, the IDE is second in the list (only topped by FMX), but even in second place, it is a huge gap to the 3rd place position.
EMBT, please listen to your customers. We are screaming out to you to improve the IDE. It is buggy as hell, seriously lacks behind other modern IDE's, and it is where developers are spending all their time. We feel the "pain" of the IDE the whole time, every day.
In the "feature request" statistics the IDE is on the top of the list - by a huge margin.
In the "bugs" statistics, the IDE is second in the list (only topped by FMX), but even in second place, it is a huge gap to the 3rd place position.
EMBT, please listen to your customers. We are screaming out to you to improve the IDE. It is buggy as hell, seriously lacks behind other modern IDE's, and it is where developers are spending all their time. We feel the "pain" of the IDE the whole time, every day.
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