We have a client application (a testing tool for a Datasnap rest server), that uses TRestClient, TRestRequest, and TRestReponse components.

We have a client application (a testing tool for a Datasnap rest server), that uses TRestClient, TRestRequest, and TRestReponse components.

The testing tool works fine on my machine and the person's machine that wrote it.

But it fails on our QA team machines. Our QA team does not have Admin rights on their machines, but we as developers do.

Do you know if there are any properties that would allow it to work? Since it works on our machine, we can't exactly tell which call is failing.

On the QA machines, the Embarcadero Rest Debugger works with the same call, so I know that using the Rest classes should work, unless Embarcadero didn't use their own tools.


  1. If you remove your admin privileges...?

    (Or set up a new user without them, and test with that.)

  2. Christian Conrad I'll try that tomorrow at work

  3. Ok, we get Error: REST request failed! Socket Error # 10022
    Invalid argument.

    Not sure about the Invalid argument message, but near as I can tell from googling is that 10022 might also have to do with permissions on shares. We'll get to the bottom of this.


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