Anyone with some guidance and/or code sample to achieve what I'd like to do in a FMX TListView (not VCL).

Anyone with some guidance and/or code sample to achieve what I'd like to do in a FMX TListView (not VCL).
I'd like to display a list of times and two radio buttons next to them.
Item1 ( ) This (o) That
Item2 ( ) This (o) That
Item3 (o) This ( ) That
I tried with the Dynamic Appearance but it doesn't allow radio buttons.
My feeling is that I should draw everything myself, meaning the radio buttons but also have to create and handle OnChange, OnSelect events to record them.
Or should I find a way to have three columns with ItemsN on the first, a radio button on the 2nd, and another one on the 3rd?

Or any way to get a ComboBox in the TListView item?

Thanks for any help


  1. Steve Jordi Good to see :-)If you found my StackOverflow answer useful, please also upvote it. (there is a tendency on SO that the critical people down-vote and the positive dont-vote... ;-) )

  2. Just did. Said ok but I'm not sure since I don't have a SO account (I actually hate SO, but that's another story :-) If I need an account, I'll create one, just to thumb-up you!


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