Class completion in starter... seriously folks!?

Class completion in starter... seriously folks!?

Why does Starter not have class completion?
Is there something that needs doing to have it?

Jim McKeeth, why does Starter not have it?


  1. Andrea Raimondi , right from time, Embarcadero in their all infinite wisdom disabled class completion and some other cute debugging features from starter.

  2. Richard Baroniunas , even when it was paid, these features were not available.

  3. That's... that's clearly a bad idea.

  4. That's going to be addressed.... sooner than you might think!

  5. Andrea Raimondi As some features had to be cut for Starter, whatever they choose, that would be a bad choice for somebody. You hardly can make all people happy. Perhaps they re-think that one in the future.
    Although not on Starter I prefer using MMX Code Explorer without the need for the built-in class completion.

  6. Uwe Raabe I don't mind commercial choices; what I do mind is shooting oneself's foot. This is what the lack of that feature amounts to. I mean, 99% of us will just type and complete. It's sort of automatic.

    It also makes for a great "show" when it comes to show it to other folks.

  7. I tried to use Starter as a source code editor and stopped because switching between interface and implementation (Ctrl-Shift-Arrow Up(Down)) does not work. I believe plain source code editing should not be crippled in Starter because it makes impression that the paid versions have the same poor source code editor.

  8. If the purpose of the Starter version is to convince people to try Delphi, then I think that crippling any features with respect to form design or coding works against the goals. I understand the concerns with giving too much, but Like Sergey Kasandrov, I quickly turned away from Starter because of crippled code navigation. Similarly, Code Completion is a feature which is now simply expected, I think, as those who have tried VS will have experienced IntelliSense.

    IMHO, a crippled IDE is worse than no free version at all.

  9. As I said, it is a really bad idea. it's... well... a non-starter ;-)

  10. Sergey Kasandrov " I believe plain source code editing should not be crippled in Starter because it makes impression that the paid versions have the same poor source code editor." - I agree with you.

  11. If the aim is to scare new users away from Delphi by giving them a horrible code editing experience, then this sounds effective.

    Or what value does the free Delphi IDE actually add for code editing over “dumb” text editors like notepad++? Nothing spectacular that I can think of.
    Developers expect more from an IDE.
    New users (potential buyers) don’t complain. They just uninstall this free version and they’re gone.

  12. They should perhaps look at Microsoft and do something like Visual studio community edition. Delphi is a great language but the way they market stuff i doubt new developer would be keen to try it over Visual studio which is free for individual developers.

  13. VIk vasudev I strongly support your Community Edition request!

  14. Except that Idera doesn't have the same kind of money as MS, which makes such choice a suicide.

  15. Andrea Raimondi The current policy also leads to a delayed suicide. With no new customers even the top quality product is doomed in the long run. And everybody knows the price of Delphi (even Pro) license has long ago became prohibitive for new customers.

  16. Andrea Raimondi That depends on the eligibility to use such a Community Edition. If it is restricted to a group of people that most likely won't buy Delphi otherwise, it doesn't lead to much loss of money, but can generate new profits later. Something like a less crippled Starter Edition.

  17. Uwe Raabe, I think it's no secret that there are choices that have been made that make little sense in today's IT business environment (such as bundling FireDAC c/s only with Enterprise... come on folks! whatever your commercial reasons for that choice it's still one that makes no sense in 2018 and should be changed).

    And I agree that the starter should be slightly different (after all, I started this thread because of no code completion... I mean... yeah, again, come on!!).

    But it's not so easy, especially when we don't know the whole picture (and that's not just the numbers, there's strategy and other things as well).

  18. Attila Kovacs they only allow you a local connection. But then: you buy - for example - RemObjects SDK, keep the FireDAC components in the same server (local) and connect remotely using RO.


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