I am trying to find an example how to put a file (jpeg image) into a website using TNetHTTPClient but no luck. I found no Delphi samples about this.

I am trying to find an example how to put a file (jpeg image) into a website using TNetHTTPClient but no luck. I found no Delphi samples about this.
If someone has a simple sample or point a solution I would appreciate.
UPDATE: I was able to get and modify a routine able to upload file, but the server side is PHP and requires a variable with the filename. I really don't know how to set that var and value to make it work. So far the routine I did is:

Procedure UploadFile(HttpClient: TNetHTTPClient; const URL: string; const FullFilename: string);
LMultipartFormData: TMultipartFormData;
LMultipartFormData := TMultipartFormData.Create;
try LMultipartFormData.AddFile(ExtractFileName(FullFilename), FullFilename);
HttpClient.ContentType := 'multipart/form-data';
HttpClient.Post(URL, LMultipartFormData);

Maybe using LMultipartFormData.AddField() would solve, I even tried to put something there but not worked.


  1. Attila Kovacs What? Did not understand...

  2. Attila Kovacs Oh, now I gotcha. But sorry for the silly question, how to? :)


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