mrAI - Artificial Intelligence in *pure pascal* (compatible with Delphi2007 and later versions). I don't know much technical implementation details about AI, but AI has been being hot in recent years, isn't it? I'm not able to justify its quality or the coverage of the AI field, but as far as I know, it seems to be the only *pure pascal* AI implementation, isn't it?

mrAI - Artificial Intelligence in *pure pascal* (compatible with Delphi2007 and later versions). I don't know much technical implementation details about AI, but AI has been being hot in recent years, isn't it? I'm not able to justify its quality or the coverage of the AI field, but as far as I know, it seems to be the only *pure pascal* AI implementation, isn't it?


  1. Anyone with specific expertise can comment? Maybe Boian Mitov?

  2. I wrote my own neural network and IDE to set the hyperparameters in Delphi. I'll have a look at this one.

  3. I've written a neural network from scratch in Smart Mobile Studio. A demo-project is available where it is used in action for character recognition based on the mnist dataset.


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