Nearly every day someone asks me about windows manifest files, I'm surprised how little some devs know about the platform they develop on

Nearly every day someone asks me about windows manifest files, I'm surprised how little some devs know about the platform they develop on


  1. This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

  2. Fabio VITALE Hmm.. not sure why, it's working for me, and the monitoring service ( is showing it as reachable from multiple locations.

  3. Fabio VITALE No problems from here either.

  4. 丽丽乌克 A Manifest is for a process not parts of the process. You can not mix different Manifest's in a process, that would be a nightmare

  5. Friedrich Westermann DLL can use independent manifest. For example, Excel COM Add-In developed by .Net can uses new common control version by activate DLL manifest, instead of following host app. But add ins written by Delphi always uses Win2000 style. I reported to QC here:

  6. I just spent a while this morning trying to debug a manifest resource issue, by not fully understanding the interaction with finalbuilder. I had a RC file included in my project which added several icons into the app/exe; and I was using the Manifest option in finalbuilder to add a manifest. When I had "regenerate resource" enabled in finalbuilder, all my icons disappeared, and when I didn't have it turned on my manifest did not get included.. What I ended up doing is just manually adding the manifest as a line into my RC file instead of using the option in finalbuilder. I guess I was expecting finalbuilder to merge the manifest in with my other icons in my RC/RES.. In hindsight it all makes sense, but it did take me half a hour to figure out what was happening.

  7. Brian Ford Why not give your RC file another name? I have plenty of applications with several RC files each. None of them interferes with that FinalBuilder option.


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