OK, not a ground breaking feature request, but it might get some likes when implemented (especially because the implementation is pretty easy): Add support for colored fonts in TDirect2DCanvas

OK, not a ground breaking feature request, but it might get some likes when implemented (especially because the implementation is pretty easy): Add support for colored fonts in TDirect2DCanvas


  1. Thanks!. In Windows 10.0.10240 Supports(D2DFactory, ID2D1Factory4) return false but colored symbols are displayed.

  2. Alexander Sviridenkov Ok, the docs mention this functionality for the Anniversary Update. Can you find a better condition? I have no older Win10 versions at hand.

  3. Soon fonts will include animations and scripts! Yay, imagine the attack vectors rising exponentially 😂😇...

  4. I added a comment that a simple CheckWin32Version(6, 3) is sufficient.

  5. Or get the the streamlined realistic lib that iOS uses. ( *S*upported devices look dyed at bottom of the page ).

    emojipedia.org - Apple Emoji List — Emojis for iPhone, iPad and macOS

  6. Supported arch libs & apps:

    Apple / Discord / emojidex
    EmojiOne / Emojipedia
    Facebook / GitHub / Google
    HTC / Instagram / LG
    Messenger / Microsoft
    Mozilla / Nintendo
    Samsung / Slack / Snapchat
    Sponsored / Telegram /Twitter
    Viber / WhatsApp / Yo / Status

  7. Dany Marmur can't wait for it until it runs DOOM in fonts. Screw "Turing Complete". A system is done when it runs DOOM :D


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