Question for anybody using a vcs in a team with Delphi projects: how do you manage your Delphi Project file(s)?

Question for anybody using a vcs in a team with Delphi projects: how do you manage your Delphi Project file(s)?

[I don't know what category this belongs in -- it seems like it should be something like "Delphi Workflow".]

Two different issues: First, do you assume everybody has the same footprint and can run the same project file on their machine unchanged?

Second, when someone decides to "upgrade" a file because of significant changes, and decides to change its name, say from Form22a to Form22b, how do you ensure that everybody else's environment actually replaces Form22a.pas/.dfm with Form22b.pas/.dfm, including the relevant lines in the project file? (Will git, say, remove Form22a.* from the environment and then add Form22b.* ?)

Related, when someone ADDS a file to the project, the project file needs to be updated.

Also, when a new library is introduced that's needed on one form but not others, the search paths probably need to be updated in the project file.

And how is all of this stuff documented for the team? (We're using Jira, but nobody really reads anything we put there. It's used mainly to track time. I know other folks like to use Slack and similar tools for this stuff.)


  1. David Schwartz
    I can do minor changes to the renamed file and still git do the renaming. I just speculating, but maybe git divide the file in smaller sections with a hash for each. If only 1-2 sections differ it can still decide that files are equal.

  2. Roland Bengtsson Hmmmm ... you know what? Git detects line-level differences, so it might keep a hash for each line as well, and decide that a diff percentage under some number means it was derived from another file. This would not work well for several files that are very similar, unless it adapts the % diff dynamically.


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