We'd like to share some Delphi class to our developer team our junior developer team, but we don't want to share the source (.pas, .dfm), so in base of your experience, wich is the best way to do that?

We'd like to share some Delphi class to our developer team our junior developer team, but we don't want to share the source (.pas, .dfm), so in base of your experience, wich is the best way to do that?

Pros and cons ?

Do you know if there are any other methods?

Thank you for any suggestions.


  1. In that case you can allow these devs access to the source, but ensure that they can't commit changes to it. Problem solved.

  2. I would also vote for source access. Even RTL/VCL/FMX come with sources. One can gain much more insight than any documentation can provide. Let alone the possibility to debug.

  3. As many says, ro-access. I mean, i learned a huge lot by tracing through 3rd p code and way back when i realized using builder made that more difficult i rewrote all in pascal. Personally (i know im old school) how could i learn to solve problems w/o tracing? Docs can only provide known scenarios.


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