Congratulations Bruno Fierens and tmssoftware for job well done!

Congratulations Bruno Fierens and tmssoftware for job well done!


  1. The blog is really worth a read.
    An amazing product, no doubt. A lot went into this project. I love the history of the "Brescia" too. Nice job!

    I am including the direct link below: - TMS Software

  2. Hi joe, have you playing around with the product? What‘s your summary?

  3. Andreas Schachtner Hi Andreas. We have have played a little with WEB Core.

    The demo's certainly seem amazing.

    They have been working on it for awhile, but it seems like WEB Core was a surprise came right out of left field.

    I do not have enough experience yet to give much of a summary, aside from saying it is amazingly cool to be able to make a web app "out of the box" in both Delphi and Lazarus!

    It's not just the VCL and FMX. The FNC (framework neutral) controls are also supported, so it is not just cross compiler, it's cross platform (Linux®, OS X® and Arm®).

    That interests us as we do a lot of Arm®.

    While I would not want to spend too much time developing on a Raspberry PI®, it can be very worthwhile experience on a NVIDIA Jetson™.

  4. Joe C. Hecht Where does it say that Lazarus is supported in TMS Web Core? The product page seems to only mention Delphi or perhaps I have missed something?

  5. Martyn Spencer the blog speaks about it in the section "The power of FNC". The LCLcontrols are Lazarus controls (and work even on a Raspberry Pi®). I think more awareness is needed for the FNC (framework neutral) controls.

    [quot - i hope this is OK to post - Copyright © 1995 - 2018 TMS Software]

    And we did more magic with TMS WEB Core and the TMS FNC framework. We did nothing less than web-enable our FNC component architecture. That means that our FNC UI controls that were already usable for VCL Windows application development, FMX Windows, macOS, iOS and Android development and LCL Windows, macOS and Linux/Raspbian development can now also be used to develop web applications.

    [End quote]

  6. Attila Kovacs your fine. It is a "interesting" concept. I too am trying to get my head about it. It's got a Pascal to JavaScript compiler, a WEB RTL, along with IDE integration, and can to punch out a WEB app that, runs on anything (right?). That's seems like tall order to me. I played with a few demo’s. It sure is interesting. Then again, I may be dreaming. Webs apps from Delphi? It appears to be so!

  7. Attila Kovacs a bunch of Demos on the Website. Looks very promissing!

  8. Joe C. Hecht Can you compare WEB Core to Smart Mobile Studio?

  9. Jacek Laskowski tms Webcore is integrated In the Delphi ide. Smart has its own ide. Different rtl, I don‘t know the Quality and Richness of it. Tms has connectors to xdata, Smart in the Enterprise Version to datasnap.

  10. You can Go with anything you want! Xdata is only better integrated. Node js, Rad Server and so on are possible. Waiting for the next Blog-Post with the roadmap for the product. Maybe there are other connectors planend.

  11. Downloaded the trial, installed in Delphi CE, successfully compiled the some of the demos, and all runs in my Chrome browser, it's very cool, I especially like the jQueryWidget demos, because they render and behavior more smooth and professional then the WebCore built-in controls.

    But when compiling the FNC demos I got "Access violation at address 2DCA5CAD in module 'libpas2js.dll'. Read of address 00000000". tms software

    After after all, it's very promissing once the quality continues improve. And I guess they'll eventually support Lazarus, since FNC already does that. All after all, pas2js was started in the FPC/Lazarus community, so I think it'll not be difficult for TMS to do it, and over the last few years, TMS has a strategy of supporting Lazarus, just check their product pages.

  12. From the WebCore tool palette I can see the HTML Request and REST client components, so I guess it'll not be difficult to access a back-end server such as a mORMot http/rest server.

  13. Edwin Yip What FNC version do you use? Full or trial? Do you make sure it is the latest FNC version? Also, when you have a TMS WEB Core trial, this will work with the FNC trial. When you have the full FNC version, it is best to work with the full TMS WEB Core.

  14. Joe C. Hecht I noticed that the controls were Lazarus as well, but the core product only mentions Delphi variants. It would be very interesting if Lazarus support was included or planned. I shall keep an eye on it.

  15. Bruno Fierens It's the latest full FNC with the WebCore trial, both were downloaded today. Well, I'm not ready to buy the full WebCore yet...

  16. Edwin Yip Sadly there is for this specific combination still a known issue. For evaluation of TMS WEB Core + TMS FNC , you could temporarily use the TMS FNC trial version download as workaround. This is a compiler issue and you can compare this case to using components delivered with source files (.PAS) that descend from base classes delivered in binary format only (similar to .DCU) that are in TMS WEB Core.

    The possible combinations are:
    TMS WEB Core full + TMS FNC full : works
    TMS WEB Core trial + TMS FNC trial : works
    TMS WEB Core full + TMS FNC trial : works
    TMS WEB Core trial + TMS FNC full : technical problem with compiler

    The compiler team is checking this case but it's far from trivial to handle unfortunately.

  17. Martyn Spencer FNC controls are Lazarus-ready. For TMS WEB Core, this is not yet ready for Lazarus as there comes much more into play than just installing components. The whole IDE integration with Delphi took us almost a year of research and work. For Lazarus, we face a similarly complex task.

  18. Bruno Fierens Thanks for the confirmation. My initial understanding was correct, then. I imagined it was not a simple task and you have done well from what I can see so far.

  19. Bruno Fierens great work! I'll be watching for Lazarus version of TMS WebCore and your business components ( xdata, aurelius et all )

  20. I think it should be integrated with DevExtreme components from Devexpress

  21. looking for interfacing with DevExtreme


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