I am building an iOS app that requires different dialog box title, I was browsing in the FMX.Dialogs.iOS source code and in the MessageDialogAsync method implementation it creates a UIAlertView with a title but limited only to the Delphi defined dialog titles.

I am building an iOS app that requires different dialog box title, I was browsing in the FMX.Dialogs.iOS source code and in the MessageDialogAsync method implementation it creates a UIAlertView with a title but limited only to the Delphi defined dialog titles.

My idea is to overload the MessageDialogAsync method to accept an additional parameter "Title", for example the MsgDlgType given is mtCustom. Currently, when you choose mtCustom dialog type the dialog Title is set to blank.

What I want to know is the proper step to introduce this new method in the existing class and interface.


  1. You can try a class helper otherwise just copy the source file to your project folder and make the change. docwiki.embarcadero.com - Class and Record Helpers (Delphi) - RAD Studio


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