I am missing something here, my app when in Debug conf can access correctly the sdcard but if just change it to Release mode I get access denied. I've double checked my permissions and can't discover the issue.

I am missing something here, my app when in Debug conf can access correctly the sdcard but if just change it to Release mode I get access denied. I've double checked my permissions and can't discover the issue.
Besides the Uses Permissions, how could I know what really is missing?
This is the 1st time I face such problem.


  1. Have you made sure that the permissions are configured for Release (and not "overridden"), and that they appear in the manifest when you build for Release? Check the actual AndroidManifest.xml that is generated

  2. David Nottage I deleted the default manifest and now it works as it should! Seems to have some problem with it. Thank you


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