I must be getting old and my memory is fading.

I must be getting old and my memory is fading.

I have got a program called dzDprojEdit which according to the version information is from 2014. Since the version information also states that it is copyright by me (as the dz prefix suggests), I just tried to find the source code. I failed miserably. It must be an open source tool I wrote and I would have expected to find it on SourceForge, but no, it's not there. Even worse: Google doesn't find a single reference in the whole of its index.


Does maybe anybody else use this tool and can point me to the source code?



  1. Ups, diese Seite ist nicht DSGVO fest.

  2. Thomas Bornhaupt different tool dzPrepBuild <> dzDprojEdit.

  3. Thomas Bornhaupt wie so ungefähr alle Seiten meiner alten Homepage außer der Einstiegsseite. Deshalb hatte ich auch schon überlegt, sie vom Netz zu nehmen.

  4. Guess what, I found the source code of dzDprojEdit. Apparently it was one of my early experiments with Mercurial and there is no public repository for it.


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