Lots of people trying Firemonkey and Lots of people moving to Java or C#.

Lots of people trying Firemonkey and Lots of people moving to Java or C#.
The question is, is Firemonkey a viable choice for developing GUI apps for Android phones and tablets? I certainly see not advertisements for people looking for Firemonkey developers.


  1. Juan C. Cilleruelo Don't move the goalposts. I specifically addressed the part of your reply that suggested that moving to Java would be a bad move career-wise.

    If you want to talk to people who stopped using Firemonkey, you can try the RemObjects forum, where I've met many who said they switched to Oxygene from Firemonkey. I've encountered others here who say they use the native platform languages instead, and others, such as sean webb, who moved to Xamarin. But I'm not making any specific claims about whether there is a net gain or loss of Firemonkey users or how suitable it is at this point for mobile development.

    If you do want some data, though, here's a graph of Stack Overflow questions tagged "Firemonkey" vs. "Xamarin". The impression that Xamarin is the dominant cross-platform mobile app framework now would seem to be supported by this chart.

    insights.stackoverflow.com - Stack Overflow

    I also searched on the biggest American job board, Monster.com, and on indeed.com, and both sites told me that there wasn't a single job posting with the word "firemonkey" in it. So again, solely on the topic of employability you raised, mobile Java development would be a better bet than professional Firemonkey developer. But given that Java is an official development language of Android, which is itself the dominant mobile platform, contending that there aren't mobile Java development jobs seems an extraordinary claim to me.

  2. Joseph Mitzen

    Java = Language
    C# = Languge
    Delphi = Language
    Firemonkey = framework

    Why you search Firemonkey? This sounds very stupid.
    Why do you compare Firemonkey with Java or C#?

    What is the framework used with RemObjects? Are there alternatives?

    Have you read the initial post of this thread? It's important to know what is the question.

    You are accusing me of speak about... and is you who adapt the conversation. The thread is... read the first post, please. Do not be as...

  3. I actually think Xamarin (and C# to some extent) might have been created as a joke on the bean counters. Lots of money is spent on developers but little is accomplished. It's kind of a revenge for outsourcing in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit_Jobs There is no dominant cross platform tool. https://insights.stackoverflow.com/trends?tags=xamarin%2Creact-native%2Cunity3d%2Ccordova


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