SQLite encryption.

SQLite encryption.
A few years ago I created an Android app using trial versions of XE8 and XE10.
The app used FireDAC and SQLite and it worked pretty much as I expected.
I am trying to revive and update the app but I am having trouble with SQLite.
First, it error-ed out with 'no such table'. After trying some things found on the Internet
the DAC started returning "[FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: Cipher: DB is not encrypted".

Did something change vis-a-vis encryption?
What do I have to do to get my app the work again?



  1. Does it work with new db without data?

  2. Roland Bengtsson Outstanding question! and the answer is...YES!
    So, I exported the metadata and used that to test. No problems. I then exported with data and created a new .db and deployed it. All my data is there! Coolness!
    Thanks, Roland!


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