What happened to the BindingName property and FindBinding method?

What happened to the BindingName property and FindBinding method?

Anyone have a link to any kind of documentation why TFmxObject's BindingName property has disappeared?

I know, probably sounds archaic, but attempting a conversion of an XE2 project to Tokyo. Boy, have things changed. I used BindingName all over the place.


  1. Gone in XE3. Odd occasion where it was used internally in XE2 replaced with a lookup on StyleName instead, otherwise 'Visual' LiveBindings took its place (heavily over-engineered, not very good, but football's a game of opinions as they say on 606).

  2. Chris Rolliston I've been converting to StyleName and FindStyleResource in the mean time, but it's semantically odd, imho, to assign a style name to every element inside a style. Also, each sub style name now has to not coincide with an actual (used) style name, and the system has to iterate through a lot of useless style names in order to find the desired one. But, as you write, it's a matter of opinion.


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