When using a mutex what actually performs a lock. Waitforsingleobject or acquire? Its a bit confusing as many examples never show an acquire method call. The often use waitforsingleobject and release.
David Heffernan I think I understand the issue. It has been some time since I used synchronization methodologies. My mutex is not a tmutex. It is actually a thandle. a tmutex has an acquire method that does not include a timeout. I can't risk hanging forever so I use waitforsingleobject instead. I used it years ago and had to study the pieces involved.
Al Nichols So if you are using a raw Win32 mutex, why are you talking about Acquire? Read the original post again. Please tell us what you are referring to when you say "acquire".
David Heffernan I think I understand the issue. It has been some time since I used synchronization methodologies. My mutex is not a tmutex. It is actually a thandle. a tmutex has an acquire method that does not include a timeout. I can't risk hanging forever so I use waitforsingleobject instead. I used it years ago and had to study the pieces involved.
ReplyDeleteAl Nichols So if you are using a raw Win32 mutex, why are you talking about Acquire? Read the original post again. Please tell us what you are referring to when you say "acquire".