CrossVcl and Delphi Community Edition.

CrossVcl and Delphi Community Edition.

Since Community Edition doesn't have Linux compiler it is still possible to build OSX32 apps using Delphi CE and CrossVcl. Start building macOS VCL apps with Embarcadero Delphi CE and CrossVcl.


  1. Cristian Peța Instead of rewrite the IDE/compiler/debuger for Linux and MacOS, I just wish all existing VCL programs can be compiled with CrossVCL and can be *run and easily debug-able * on Linux and MacOS.

  2. I think I was wrongly understood.
    I don't think that having now the IDE on other platforms is a priority.
    But I'm dreaming to be so because then it would be a proof that it's truly multi platform.
    Now they try to sell this multi platform thing telling us that it's not so hard to migrate your code to ARC and so.


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