Frame problem

Frame problem
i have a frame with components. a panel on the frame is initialized to color red.
i load the frame on a test form1 with
Editor.Parent:=Form1 Or as a component.
If i make the test form a program NO problem the panel is painted red.
Now to the problem.
I have another application that uses the test form to open the frame form.
It opens the test form with Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);
The problem - panel on the frame form DOSE NOT PAINT RED.
i tried to change the property "parentcolor" to false, it did not help
Any help ?


  1. Please confirm that this is not your actual code:

  2. it is as Editor is the frame

    if Editor=nil then
    Editor := TEditor.Create(Form1);
    Am i wrong ?
    I have the same problem with editor (frame) as a component

  3. I was referring to the wrong line Editor.Create(Form1); which now turns out as the correct one Editor := TEditor.Create(Form1);

  4. Uwe Raabe Sorry i was short cutting my question.
    It is for me strange behavior.
    It seem that form trigger another form which has Tfram with panel.color dose not get the color.
    And one more thing i forgot to say it is a D7 -old program i am trying to change.
    I guess every body will say move to d10+.
    But still it interest me as since i have huge amount of projects with d7.

  5. Thomas Mueller Thanks how ever i put another component that solved the problem but still ON D7 AND D10.2.1 same problem !!!!.
    I wander who's fault is it. I hop not me.

  6. Thank you every body . I mad a very simple frame test project and it is OK. As for that it seem that some components on the frame do the problem. But since i fixed it with another component i am not going to bother , too many components to find which one.


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