I have developed Windows applications in Delphi for at least 15 years. I just started using 10.2 to develop a simple Android application. I discovered, quite painfully, that OpenDialog is not available on Android. It would have been nice if there had been an error message, but...
I have developed Windows applications in Delphi for at least 15 years. I just started using 10.2 to develop a simple Android application. I discovered, quite painfully, that OpenDialog is not available on Android. It would have been nice if there had been an error message, but...
I looked around and have seen people struggling with this for over 5 years. Is it really true that no one has developed a replacement for OpenDialog in all of this time?
I looked around and have seen people struggling with this for over 5 years. Is it really true that no one has developed a replacement for OpenDialog in all of this time?
It seem to have an answer here stackoverflow.com - Open file manage and get selected file
ReplyDeleteI think you need to use Dialog Services in FMX.DialogService unit.
ReplyDeleteFor example, I use the next code the confirm the delete of a document.
TDialogService.PreferredMode := TDialogService.TPreferredMode.Platform;
TDialogService.MessageDialog(TIntlCommon(Setup.Intl).TextAskForDelete, TMsgDlgType.mtConfirmation,
[TMsgDlgBtn.mbOK, TMsgDlgBtn.mbCancel], TMsgDlgBtn.mbCancel, 0,
procedure(const AResult: TModalResult)
case AResult of
try FModel.DeleteDocument(FShowDocument);
if FModel.TableDocumentsIsEmpty then begin
on E:EscModelRecordNotFound do FView.ShowMessage(TIntlCommon(Setup.Intl).TextExceptionRecordNotFound);
on E:EscModelDeleteImpossible do FView.ShowMessage(TIntlCommon(Setup.Intl).TextExceptionImpossibleDelete);
on E:Exception do FView.ShowMessage(E.Message);
All very helpful comments. I have the app roughed out now. Thanks so much!