I need a way to buy a notebook computer with a Portuguese keyboard layout (and Windows 10 in Portuguese, but that is probably not difficult). None of our usual suppliers can help. I looked at Dell Portugal and they seem to sell this kind of notebooks, but I don't speak any Portuguese and Google Translate doesn't work on that page, so I can't even find out a contact. (I asked Dell Germany and they were rather unhelpful "We don't sell that.".)

I need a way to buy a notebook computer with a Portuguese keyboard layout (and Windows 10 in Portuguese, but that is probably not difficult). None of our usual suppliers can help. I looked at Dell Portugal and they seem to sell this kind of notebooks, but I don't speak any Portuguese and Google Translate doesn't work on that page, so I can't even find out a contact. (I asked Dell Germany and they were rather unhelpful "We don't sell that.".)

Any idea?


  1. In some countries Dell does not sell directly to end customers. They have resellers. If this is the case in Portugal, you may be able to contact a reseller directly

  2. Or, you may be able to contact Dell Portugal (or Brazil ???) directly

  3. Or, ebay? They sell new with warranty from resellers

  4. You can take any keyboard and change the layout in Windows. You can then buy overlay stickers cheaply or even use a magic marker. Years ago I had to buy a laptop in a hurry and only German keyboard was available. I ignored what was on it and changed Windows to English. For Russian I have used key stickers as well as magic markers.

    Windows you can easily change the language on the fly except in home editions (although 10 may let you change it even in home, older Windows did not)

  5. Chad Hower Thanks, that would be an option if that notebook was for me. But we buy it for a customer in Portugal who bought not just a notebook but a road measuring system (large Lorry with a water tank) from us. The notebook is part of the controlling system so we need to test it first before shipping it to Portugal.

  6. Thomas Mueller Can't you ask the customer to buy the notebook in Portugal on your behalf?

  7. John Kouraklis I tried that with Dell Portugal, but I can't read their website and Google Translate doesn't work on that site. Also, since I don't speak Portugese I would have preferred to write rather than calling.
    For now I am collecting ideas, I will talk to our consulting person tomorrow. She will decide on what to do.

  8. Uwe Raabe Yes, that's also an option I considered. But I am not sure whether this is possible. It depends on what kind of relationship our consulting person has to the customer.

  9. did you try calling Dell Portugal at +351 214 236 110.

  10. Thomas Mueller I speak Portuguese if you need help


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