Job losses start to bite as yet again all the 'big' features get shifted forward another year in the updated Delphi roadmap today. Boy am I glad we decided not to use Delphi for mobile dev/mac dev.

Job losses start to bite as yet again all the 'big' features get shifted forward another year in the updated Delphi roadmap today. Boy am I glad we decided not to use Delphi for mobile dev/mac dev.


  1. Well the question is, what do you use for your mobile development ? Since FireMonkey is always sometimes working and sometimes not, for Android I tend to use Android Studio while on iOS i will use XCode/Swift.

  2. Darian Miller we use Delphi to deliver all our UI's via HTML5 + AJAX + JS into real native apps with browsers as the main display component built in Android Studio or Xcode with Swift. We have an entire platform in house now, but it is similar in concept to The advantages of using native environments centre around the following: OS changes are always supported in the native tools during beta + launch of the OS, there aren't any issues with uploading to App Stores and getting approval + code examples can just be pasted in and they work from around the web. The slight learning curve (which is now much less with swift) is made up for in my opinion once you run into those 'impossible to make that work' challenges. There is so much freely available code available now that re-creating everything in pascal is a pain. The key to HTML5 as the UI is simply creating an interchange between the native app and the UI to transfer the a json message or using something like RemObjects in your native app to talk back to all your Delphi based business logic/database stuff. I also find HTML5 faster to deliver modern UI's because you have full control over drawing and can therefore modify your base control with great flexibility. Checkout for some great examples of what can be done via HTML5 - TMS Software


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