some nice features to add

some nice features to add

1) display the expected classname in unassigned component properties
ie: Action -> (TBasicAction)

2) display the expected method name in unassigned events
ie: OnClick -> (TNotifyEvent)

2) supports for "web" colors #f00, #00ff00, rgb(255, 0, 0) for TColor properties input

3) optionaly, shift+click on the color to cycle through the color display mode (like under Chrome) : clBlue / $ff0000 / #0000ff / rgb(255, 0, 0)

4) inline evaluation of simple exemple: Left = 10 + 25
or complex expression: Panel1.Width - ListBox1.Width + 5
(not a persistent formula, just an input evaluation)


  1. Instead of #00FF00 you can already write $00FF00.

  2. Uwe Raabe but I put some red and blue in my colors ;)


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