By installing VS Community edition I seemed to have broken my Delphi Berlin build path. Interestingly they get along fine on my other machine, same setup. I seem to recall reading about this a year or so ago when it didn't matter to me - no VS.

By installing VS Community edition I seemed to have broken my Delphi Berlin build path. Interestingly they get along fine on my other machine, same setup. I seem to recall reading about this a year or so ago when it didn't matter to me - no VS.
I cannot seem to Google or Stack Overflow my way to a solution. Does anyone perhaps have a link to a discussion of this ? Thanks

MSBuildToolsPath is not specified for the ToolsVersion "14.0" defined at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\14.0", or the value specified evaluates to the empty string.


  1. John Mitchell you can use multiple variables to allow your core path variable to be smaller for example create a new environment entry called %pf% that equals c:\program files and then replace all the full paths in your main path variable with %pf% to shrink your string size

  2. Andrew Pratt Why wouldn't you just solve the problem by removing all the entries with Emba? And removing all the other entries that aren't necessary?

    Lots of people look at this the wrong way, with some belief that the path should contain so many entries.

  3. Solved ! The path edits weren't working, further Google searching (actually Bing, believe it or not) sent me here, which completely solved the issue. Thanks much to all for taking the time to help me with this. - MSBuildToolsPath is not specified for the ToolsVersion


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